Scratch That Marketing Itch with Us!

January 31, 2024
Article by: Nicole McGarrell
Category: Uncategorized
Big party


Sunny Day Marketing is turning 13 this year, and we have a major itch that needs scratching.

It’s an all-consuming itch to help you grow and succeed to a whoooole nother level beyond your imagination.

For years now, we’ve been presenting workshops, developing marketing plans, consulting on strategies, and setting up those we’ve helped for marketing success. We always love seeing these moments: when someone finally “gets” marketing, the relief of finally having a structured marketing process, the excitement when the marketing plan is shared with gasp, timelines!

We’ve loved every minute of it, but we’re ready to mix it up and take ourselves to the next level too.

Imagine: A cocktail of fresh marketing offerings, partnerships that make you go “I didn’t expect that, but I love it!” and content that’ll make you do a double-take. Some ideas may catch on like wildfire, while others may fizzle out like a dying campfire. But one thing’s for sure, we’re lighting the match and ready to see what sparks!

And here’s the best part: we want you on this fearless (well, maybe a teeny, little fear…😉) ride with us. Bring your wildest marketing dream or that crazy idea you’ve had stashed away on your to-do list for ages. The one that keeps popping up in your mind, whispering, “Try me, I dare you.” (Yea- THAT one)

Let’s chat and see how we can make it happen. We’ll tweak it, polish it, and bring it to life, helping you reach heights you never thought possible.

We’re excited, nervous, and curious about the future, but what we know for sure is that we’re ready.

Ready to shake things up in the social impact space. 

Ready to make the sweetest marketing music. 

Ready to help you scratch that itch for change too and make 2024 your most remarkable year yet. 

Marketing should be a groove; we’re throwing a party where creativity and success are killing it on the dance floor.

Ready to dance?


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